6)  Inishie no toshi
     The Return of the Old Soldier
     Il ritorno del vecchio soldato

[The Return of the Old Soldier]

Sion e il vecchio Dauko, dopo essersi scrutati in silenzio, si preparano alla lotta.
"Take that, Shion!"
"C'mon Doku!"
I due si attaccano contemporaneamente e sembrano alla pari. Tuttavia, Libra sembra essersi stancato.
"Hmm, victory has already been decided." constata Sion soddisfatto.
"To think that I thought this battle would last a while... before, we were equal in every aspect of strenght and power, therefore, victory was never certain for either of us. But Doku, those 243 years that have gone by, they have decided the outcome of this battle."
I due caricano nuovamente i loro cosmi.

Shiryu e Seiya stanno correndo, quando Shiryu si ferma all'improvviso:
"That's... old master from the House of Aries. No... I can sense the old master's cosmos, only much more powerful than usual."
"Not only that, there is another cosmos even greater than that of the old master. Who could it be?"
"Could it..."
Intanto, la battaglia tra Dauko e Sion continua e, questa volta, Dauko indietreggia sempre più in difficoltà.
"Seiya, hurry up and get to Athena!" esclama Shiryu preoccupato.
"But, Shiryu... How can I let you go alone?"
"Don't worry about me. If something were to happen to Marin, you would also rush to her aid."
"I can't say that you're wrong, so let me go with you."
"Seiya... Athena... Saori is waiting for you." gli risponde sorridendo.
"Go! Seiya... I'll be there as soon as possible."
"I understand, I'll be waiting for you."

Pur non essendo mai stato colpito, Dauko sembra esausto e Sion si sente in vantaggio:
"You, who as been watching over the seal that binds the 108 spectres and after all these years serving Athena... you've grown old, Doku... you no longer possess the same kind of strenght like in your youth, while I have been granted youth once again thanks to lord Hades. The youth and strenght of an 18 years old body!"
I due si attaccano a vicenda, cosmo giallo vs cosmo viola.
"Doku, you're too old, you cannot possibly defeat me!"
Dauko viene spazzato via e cade ai piedi di Shiryu, che gli parla solennemente:
"Old master, I have let you down, I'm too late."
"And you are?" chiede Dauko rincitrullito.
"Let me, Shiryu, handle your opponent."
Improvvisamente, Dauko si rialza e colpisce Shiryu, atterrandolo e facendogli cadere il bendaggio dagli occhi.
"Old master?"
"Didn't I tell Shunrei not to let you leave the Five Peaks? Your eyes haven't healed yet, why do you insist on coming here? Ah, Shiryu. Hurry and leave this place!"
"I can't do that, old master!"

"You've got quite the apprentice there, Doku, this interesting, what a rare occasion. Both the master and the apprentice, join those of the underworld together." interviene Sion.
"What did you say?" sbraita Shiryu.
"Wait, Shiryu. Leave this to me. This person, Shion, is the pope of the Sanctuary who was murdered by Saga."
"What? Then..."
"Fighting side by side with me in the last Holy War, and being one of the sole survivors, Shion of Aries. He is also Mu's master."
"Ah...? Mu's... master? How can it be someone like him?" Shiryu è indignato.
"Ah Shion, the illusion that you see as life, the same illusion that is your youth, does it really satisfy you that much?" Dauko inizia in dibattito filosofico.
"You only get one chance with such a thing that is life, second chances are out of the question. That is why life is so precious, like a star, shining with brilliance."
"Even though you have a point, but in the end it is just annoyance, coming from an old man nearing his death. No more of this talk, prepare to die!"
Sion sta per colpirlo, quando si blocca all'ultimo istante.
"Even you would be tempted by a second chance at life. I am saddened by this act of yours, Shion."
"Life? Doku, you..." Sion è turbato.
"Then prepare to die once more, because the underworld is where you belong. Rozan hyaku ryu ha!"
"Crystal Wall!"
"You think that's going to be of any use? Not even your Crystal Wall can withstand the might of a hundred dragons."
Infatti, la barriera di Sion inizia a incrinarsi, per poi spezzarsi. Sion viene quindi colpito.

Intanto, Shaina, Jabu, Nachi e Ichi sono al cimitero dei cavalieri.
"What is this?!" frigna Ichi, osservando una tomba.
"Stop! It's useless to resist!" ordina Shaina.
"But... Lady Shaina..."
"If more Silver Saints were to rise from the grave, then we'll have to fight them ourselves."
I tre Bronze Saints sono spaventati, ma Jabu si riprende subito:
"That's fine, besides... those who dare defile the Sanctuary, no matter who they're, I won't let them go!"
"Lady Shaina! What happened?" esclama una voce: si tratta di Shun, accompagnato da Hyoga.
"Babel, Moses... Misty... Those Saints who showed up in eastern Siberia. Are you sure?" interviene Hyoga.
"Eh? Happened to Hyoga as well?" chiede Shun.
"Hyoga, Shun! What are you doing here? You should know by now what Athena wishes of us." spiega Shaina seccata.
"Lady Shaina?" esclamano i bronzi minori.
"Athena's wishes must be obeyed. Get those two to leave!"
"Get them to leave?" ripete Jabu.
"If you want a fight... then you'll get one..." si prepara Hyoga.

Sion sta subendo il colpo di Dauko, ma rimane in piedi illeso.
"Impossible!" esclama Shiryu "Even after being hit with Rozan Hyaku Ryu Ha, he still stands! Shion. Almost as if he doesn't fear the old master one little bit..."
"Ah, Doku, you have indeed become old and weak. If you had the same strenght like back in the old days, then I would have been struck down without a doubt. But..."
Sion espande il suo cosmo ed espelle i cento draghi dal suo corpo.
"This... Only with his body's power he seems to have ejected them entirely..."
"Shion... Could it be that your power is truly unmatched? Is this the power of Hades?" chiede Dauko, ma senza ottenere risposta.
"Doku. Then prepare to join the dead."
"What is this... this cosmos?" esclama Shiryu.
"Doku. You should know that, if you were to be struck by Stardust Revolution, no one walks away from it and lives. Die, Doku! Stardust Revolution!"

Il vecchio Dauko è travolto e precipita a terra. Shiryu corre in suo soccorso.
"Old master! Old master! Hold on, be strong."
"You're in the way," Sion colpisce anche Shiryu, scagliandolo contro una colonna del tempio dell'Ariete "but no worries, and you'll be joining the dead soon as well. After I take Doku's head that is."
Sion si avvicina a Dauko, che è non si è ancora ripreso, quando Shiryu rischiama la sua armatura, che esce dallo scrigno.
"Wai... wait... I won't let you hurt the old master."
"You can't even see, along with your armour in tatters, what are you going to do?"
"I'm going to fight you of course, for justice. Take this... Rozan Shoryu Ha!"

"Stop, Hyoga! Our enemy isn't Shaina." interviene Shun.
"But, Shun."
"Athena no longer wants us to fight for her."
Shaina espande il suo cosmo: sembra furiosa.
"Lady Shaina..." esclamano i bronzi minori.

Intanto, la battaglia continua...
"Take this, Rozan Shoryu Ha!"
"Hm..." Sion ride e para il colpo con una mano.
"Wha... what?"
"Such a pitiful technique; there's nothing special about it."
"My most powerful attack, Shoryu Ha... He blocked it all with one hand, without even flinching..."
"This is the difference in power between you and me. You're just a pitiful Bronze Saint after all, so don't waste my time! Might as well get rid of you right now."
"Wait..." interviene Dauko ancora a terra, Shiryu corre da lui.
"Old master!"
"Shi... Shiryu. Didn't I tell you to stay out of it?"
"But... but..."
"Go back to the Five Peaks..."
Shiryu scoppia in lacrime:
"Me, old master, Seiya... with all the warriors who have fought, knowing that, how can I just leave? I'd rather die an honorable death in battle than running away. This is just who I am. I, Shiryu..."
"You haven't changed a bit, so stubborn." commenta Dauko sorridendo "Oh well, even though it is one of your flaws, it is also one of your main qualities."
"Old master..."
"I understand, Shiryu... Go and speak with Athena."
"Old master..."
Shiryu continua a piangere e Dauko gli tocca la mano.
"Let us die together... Shiryu."
"That's what I had in mind right from the start."
"You... are indeed a stubborn child."

Hyoga fronteggia Shaina.
"Hyoga." esclama Shun.
"This way."
Hyoga espande il suo cosmo, pronto per un colpo segreto, Shaina sta per espandere il suo, ma ad un tratto cessa ogni ostilità e gli volta le spalle, per lasciarlo passare.
"Lady Shaina."
"Hurry up and go! Those who have already passed me." ordina Shaina.
"Thank you..." esclama Shun.
"The enemy is strong, so take care." raccomanda Shaina.
"We're off..." rassicura Shun, dirigendosi insieme a Hyoga verso le dodici case.
"If you were to be defeated, we'll never forgive you for it." urla Ichi piangendo.
"How sweet. Their friendship almost moved me to tears." riflette Shaina.

Shiryu e Dauko si sono ripresi, quindi Sion si appresta a continuare la battaglia:
"Ah Doku, done with saying goodbye to your apprendice yet? Then let me send you to hell. Go back to Hades!"
Shiryu emette un verso.
"No, Shiryu, stay calm. Shion, you cannot defeat me."
"What? You're all talk old man, what are you blabbering about?"
Sion scaglia una Stardust Revolution, ma c'è un imprevisto: all'improvviso, è apparsa l'armatura di Libra.
"This is... The Libra armour! The armour acted as a shield to protect me and the old master." commenta Shiryu.
Sion si sente ancora tranquillo:
"Doku, do you think your cloth will save you? What a pity, in your case, the Libra armour is useless to you, you have become so old, as it won't even fit you anymore, negating the whole point of the protective cloth."
"Now what?" interrompe Dauko.
"Even now you still... This is the end, nothing can prevent your death, here and now. Die! Stardust Revolution!"

Inaspettamente, Sion si blocca all'improvviso, dato che una strana aura circonda Dauko in meditazione.
"Wh... why? From that Doku who is nearing the brink of death, that cosmos... And right from the start, totally different from that old and tired cosmos. This... This is just like Doku back when he was 18, mighty and invincible. A cosmos with unlimited power." riflette Sion preoccupato.
"Ah Shion, why do you think that I would sit on the Five Peaks quietly for 243 years?"
"Why has the Libra cloth come here? All your questions will be answered now, Shion."
La pelle violacea del vecchio si frantuma e le sue ossa iniziano ad allungarsi, sotto lo sguardo sconvolto di Sion:
"What? What's happening?! Impossible! This cosmos filled with life and youth..."
Dai vecchi stracci emerge un giovane col tatuaggio di una tigre sulla schiena.
"The old master has grown younger..." constata Shiryu "What's happening? What had just happened before my very own eyes? Old master's body, how?"
"I will admit this... this is you... The same Libra Gold Saint Doku of the old days."
"Shion. Athena granted me a precious and most wondrous gift, that is... Misopethamenos!"
"Misopethamenos? The source of eternal life from the gods... Misopethamenos?"
"243 years ago after the Holy War with Hades, you and I being the sole survivors, to prepare for the next Holy War, with Athena's permission, you, Shion, became the pope of the Sanctuary. While I was sent to keep an eye on Hades's 108 spectres. From that day onward my heart only beats 100000 times a year!"
"Wha... what?!" esclama Shiryu.
"Impossible!" Sion è parecchio incavolato "100000 times? That's how often a human heart beats in a day? Then..."
"Understand? 243 days! Has only been 243 days to me."
"Really now? That's why the old master always sat at the peak, be it rain or hail, he didn't move an inch. Keeping an eye on Athena's seal of protection, like an old man on the brink of death..." riflette Shiryu.
"Shiryu." chiama il giovane Dauko
"What are you waiting for? I will apologize Athena for my deeds later. Hurry up and find Mu, and wipe out the intruders." ordina Dauko.
"But you must be careful, as it's not just Saga and the others that have entered the 12 houses. Many of Hades's Spectres have infiltrated the Sanctuary. Listen good Shiryu! Do not let a single Spectre leave this place alive. Protect Athena, even if it takes your life do so."
"Yes, old master!"
Shiryu lascia il campo di battaglia e si mette a correre.
"Hold it right there!" Sion tenta di fermarlo con un colpo, ma Dauko difende il suo discepolo parandosi con uno scudo di Libra.
"The same can be said of you, Shion."

Dauko finalmente indossa la sua armatura.
"Doku, ever since the last Holy War the Libra armour that hasn't been worn for 243 years! Alright Shion! Everything's like it used to be, just like old times."
"Hmm let's go! Now, I will use all my strenght to defeat you. Is this an illusion? Or do you really intend to fight me? Alright Doku we'll see...!"
I due si attaccano a vicenda e si fronteggiano alla pari, nessuno prevale. I due continuano a sferrare l'attacco in attesa di sbloccare la situazione.
"C'mon Shion, try me!"
"Could it be that he has regained all of his strenght from back in the old days? But, Doku, now there is no other way out of this other than to battle it out." riflette Sion preoccupato.
"Incredible! Is this old master's true power?" osserva Shiryu, che si è fermato a guardarli.
"If our strenghts are indeed equal in every aspect, then this battle will not be short. And..." spiega Sion.
"Only one of us has to... then we'll both lose our lives." prosegue Dauko "Shiryu, I'm going to teach you one last technique."
"I am only going to do it once, so look closely!"
Compare una tigre dietro il cosmo di Dauko.
"What... even now... you?... I'll strike you down right here and now!" esclama Sion, dietro al suo cosmo compare un ariete.
"Fool, do you really want to take me to hell with you? Shion?"
"Stardust Revolution!"
"Rozan Hyaku Ryu Ha!"
Cento dragoni si scontrano con altrettante comete.
"Almost as if a mighty dragon has left his world." commenta Shiryu, prima di essere spazzato via dalla potenza dei due cosmi, che stanno esplodendo.
"Shiryu, goodbye..." augura Dauko.

Shun e Hyoga stanno correndo, quando avvertono ciò che sta succedendo.
"Wha... what?!" Hyoga si ferma.
Anche Seiya e Mur si accorgono dei cosmi.
"My master and Shion."

I due cosmi esplodono, unendosi alle loro costellazioni. Dauko e Shion sono spariti avvolti dalla luce.
Shiryu è a terra dolorante:
"Their cosmos... gone..."