9) Kyouji no hate
     Pride's end
     La fine della gloria

I tre ex cavalieri d'oro sono di nuovo allo scoperto, senza le loro surplices.
"Saga, Shura, Camus! Why were you wearing Cube's Surplice?!" esclama Giant incavolato "Could it be that you... So all this time, your allegiance to Hades, it was all a lie?!"
Giant cerca di colpire Saga alle spalle, ma questi lo immobilizza senza neanche voltarsi.
"Ah... I can't move..."
"Shaka is not the kind of opponent that itiful fools like you can take on. If you want to live, then leave this place!"
"Like I said, if you want Athena's head, just leave everything to us."
Dopo di che, Saga scaglia Giants parecchi metri indietro.

[Pride's end]

Shaka, che è sempre rimasto seduto tranquillo, non crede all'apparente tradimento di Saga e pensa che stia nascondendo qualcosa di molto importante:
"Saga, you're not telling the truth, are you? Do you really wish to take Athena's life?"
"Really? I understand, you who stands before me now, being Hades's dogs, the only thing that matters to you ringht now is to take Athena's life. Go... Even I am no match for three of the strongest Gold Saints among us, it would be foolish of me to even try."
"Very well, then we'll be leaving now."
I tre camminano oltre Shaka, senza alcuna opposizione.
"This man is pathetic, he actually let them pass." commenta Giant soddisfatto.
"To think that he is said to be the closest man to god, laughable!" interviene un altro Spectre.
"Alright then, let's go! We Spectres seek no battle with cowards." ordina Giant.
Gli Spectres si apprestano a lasciare la sesta casa, seguendo Saga e gli altri, quando vengono interrotti da Shaka:
"Have you forgotten something?"
"Whats' that?"
"Saga warned you. If you want to live, then leave this place! Look! Your beads are already changig colours themselves!" esclama Shaka mostrando il rosario, con alcune perle che, da rosse, stanno diventando nere.
"Fool! Do you want to die? You're all talk!" risponde Giant "Hmm, no matter, looks like we'll just have to kill him then!"
I 6 Specters circondano di corsa Shaka, che scuote il rosario facendo apparire l'Oltretomba, con alcuni teschi e una donna a cavallo che ride.
"No longer will I stand you defiling the 12 sacred houses. Begone! You wretches! Banisher of Demons (Tenma Kofuku)!"
Gli Spectres cadono morti a terra, solo Giants è ancora vivo in agonia.
"Are you afraid of death?" gli chiede tranquillo Shaka.
"Why would I? Those who are loyal to lord Hades will be granted eternal life after death." risponde Giant sorridendo.
"Really now? But I, Shaka, ever since I was born, have always conversed with Buddha. I have never heard of anyone ever being granted eternal life. Or could it be, that I Shaka... am mistaken? Mmm?"
"Coul... could it be that... then... lord Hades lied to us..!" Giant spaventato e sconvolto cerca di rialzarsi, ma muore.

Shaka si alza in piedi:
"Hold it"
Saga e gli altri, poco distanti, si fermano.
"As you can see, I've gotten rid of those wretches who have been sent to keep an eye on you. Now you can tell me the truth."
"The truth?" risponde Saga, sempre di spalle.
"Yes, the truth that could not be revealed before."
"Then et me tell you the truth. We're after Athena's head!"
"Really? To think that men like you could never succumb to Hades. There must be something that you're not telling me... But now, I, Shaka... will risk my life to oppose you!" Shaka apre gli occhi e a camminare, ma senza espandere cosmo "But to let Virgo Temple be stained with blood would be an insult to Athena. So you three, follow me."
"Where are we going?"
"To that place of death..."
I quattro cavalieri entrano nel giardino di sala, situato accanto alla sesta casa. C'è un prato fiorito con due alberelli. Diversi petali rosa svolazzano nell'aria.
"Whats? I never knew the Virgo Temple had such a large garden." commenta Shura guardandosi intorno.
"I've never seen this before... what is this garden?" chiede Camus.
"This... looks like the legendary garden of the twin salas." risponde Saga.
"The garden of twin salas." ripete Camus a pappagallo.
"Legend says this is... where Buddha passed away, where he laid down, in this garden of twin salas. Shaka knew he would die at the hands of us three." spiega Saga.
"No matter, now that he's made his decision to die under the twin salas, then this is where we'll take is life.Prapare to die, Shaka." commenta Shura.

Shaka si posiziona a battaglia davanti a loro.
Shura taglia un petalo davanti a sè, ma non riesce a ferire Shaka, che gli si avvicina colpendolo al torace. Shura cade e Camus prende prontamente il suo posto.
"Diamond Dust!"
Shaka schiva agilmente tutti gli attacchi ripetuti di Camus e Shura, colpendo nuovamente Shura alla pancia.
Saga, che era stato in disparte, è seccato per come sta andando la battaglia e decide di intervenire.
"Another Dimension!"
Shaka sembra cadere nel vortice dimensionale, ma atterra in ginocchio qualche metro più in là. Tuttavia, inizia ad essere in difficoltà.
"I can't... can't just be sent to another dimension just yet..." sussurra con un fil di voce, poi si rialza.
Gli altri lo raggiungono camminando.
"What is it? Shaka?" chiede Camus.
"Given up yet?" chiede Shura.
"Wait, don't get any closer to Shaka!" avverte Saga.

Shaka riapre gli occhi e agita il rosario, dietro di lui appaiono gli affreschi indiani:
"Shaka of Virgo's ultimate attack. Tenbu Horin!"
I tre avversari rimangono immobili.
"You should know, Tenbu Horin combines offense and defense at the same time. You can no longer attack nor retreat."
"Attack and retreat are no longer an option?" esclama Shura.
"Have we been conquered by Shaka already?" si chiede Camus preoccupato.
"If we don't stop this..." interviene Saga.
"Yes, if you don't stop me, you cannot possibly win this. If you want to defeat me, you only have one option left. And I'm afraid that other than that, there is no other way." spiega Shaka.
"What?" chiede Saga seccato, ancora in balia di Shaka.
"Yes... A long time ago, the ultimate attack of the Gold Saints which was forbidden by Athena: Athena Exclamation."
"Athena Exclamation. " ripete Saga poco convinto.
"The ultimate attack that was forbidden by Athena... that..." riflettono gli altri.
"Why do you hesitate? Seeing that you've sworn allegiance to Hades, it does not matter if you're going to use it or not. I will not hesitate when it comes to cutting off your five senses. The first sense. Begone!"
Approfittando dell'incertezza degli avversari, Shaka toglie loro il primo senso, atterrandoli.

"Shaka, your wish will be fulfilled. We'll show you the power of Athena Exclamation." esclama Saga rialzandosi.
"Wait, Saga. Athena Exclamation... if we use it, even if we win this, we... we will be..." interviene Shura, ancora seduto.
"Camus, Shura, you should know this by now. Ever since we stepped into this garden of twin salas, Shaka never intended to defeat us, instead he intended to die here. Shaka wishes to pass away under the twin salas by the ultimate attack in which 3 Gold Saints combine their all their strenghts, where all of our cosmos are combined as one. Though the scale is small, its power can be compared to that of the big bang. That is why, as the destructive power of this attack is too great, the ultimate attack has been forbidden since the dawn of time by Athena. The forbidden technique, Athena Exclamation. Then let us use this, Athena Exclamation to defeat Shaka!"
"But... then..." si lamenta Camus.
"Saints who have used Athena Exclamation can never..." continua Shura.
"The second sense. Begone!" Shaka approfitta della loro esitazione per colpirli ancora.
"Athena's saints live and fight for justice and should always uphold these values. Not to mention, Athena despises weapons..." commenta Camus cieco, con la faccia la terra.
"That same Athena states that three Gold Saints, combining their powers to strike down a single enemy with Athena Exclamation... this should never be used, under any circumstances, as this is a cowardly act and thus it is forbidden." continua Shura mettendosi a sedere.
"Do you really know what you're doing? Saga?" chiede Camus, rialzatosi.
"If we used this technique, this cowardly and forbidden technique that is the Athena Exclamation, we..." prosegue Shura, in piedi.
"We'll lose the sacred privilege to be a Saint. Even after death... and beyond, we'll forever remembered as cowards if we use this attack." spiega Camus.
"The third sense! Begone!" interrompe Shaka.
"Have you two forgotten something? This new and shortlived life that we have been granted by Hades, thet we have used to reach the 12 houses... No matter what, we must get to Athena! For this, is it not worth giving up our sacred privilege to be a Saint?" esorta Saga, incurante degli attacchi di Shaka.
"Yes, right here... Having lost sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch... we cannot be taken down along with Shaka." pensa Camus.
"We already died once, what have we got left to lose? To be branded as cowards, to be looked down upon by others forever..." pensa Shura.
"For Athena, for this earth, and love, and justice." esclama Saga.
Finalmente i tre hanno deciso.
"The fourth sense. Begone!"

Intanto, al Santuario tutti avvertono per sta per accadere qualcosa.
"Ah, Shaka!" esclama Saori.
"What is this that you're planning?" si chiede Kanon.
"What are you doing?! Shaka?" idem Milo.
Il sesto fuoco si spegne.
Preoccupati, Mur, Aioria e i Bronze Saints (escluso Ikki) si sono recati alla sesta casa. Tuttavia lo scontro è al di fuori del tempio.
"Looks like there's someone behind this." osserva Shun con fare gay.
Mur è davanti alla porta che conduce al giardino, sbarrando a tutti la strada. E' molto scoraggiato.
"Mu, have you come to aid Shaka as well?" chiede Aioria.
"I can feel Shaka and the other's burning cosmos..." spiega Shiryu.
"From the other side of that gate." continua Hyoga.
"Lets' go!" esorta Seiya.
"Behind this door, lies the garden of the twin salas, you cannot go there." risponde Mur.
"What? Are you saying we should just stand around while Shaka dies?" interviene furioso Aioria.
Mur non risponde e resta sempre ad occhi chiusi sulla porta.
"Mu, you must have felt it, too. Saga and the others, they've got nothing left to lose. Even the honour of Saints means nothing to them. They're going to use the three as one technique to kill Shaka." cerca di farlo ragionare Aioria.
"Aioria. You still don't understand? This is what Shaka wanted..." risponde Mur piangendo.

C'è un flash back di Shaka bambino, in India.
"Shaka... Shaka... what had made you so sad today? You're only 6, why do you sit there like that everyday? What has happened that makes you this sad?" gli chiede lo spirito del Buddha.
"Today I saw more dead bodies floating down the river and on the shore, tourists from India come to bathe. To say they're trying to survive is no different than trying to seek death. This country that I was born in, why is it so poor? Could it be that mankind is only born to suffer in this world?"
"Shaka, is this why you are sad?"
"Of course, who would wish for a lifetime of suffering?"
"Tha's not correct, it's because of suffering, that happiness has a meaning. Just as, on the other hand, the beautiful flower blooms, but it will one day shrivel up and die. In this world, life will never pause for a second. It will keep on moving, and changing... One man's entire lifetime will be like this."
"But, in the end there is only death. Could it not be said then, that mankind is bound to suffer as long as exist? During thir lifetime, whether they lived in sorrow or happiness, in the end death will the end of everything. Then, why are men born? You cannot oppose death, which is eternal."
"Shaka, have you forgotten?"

"That is..." si ricorda Shaka sorridendo, ritornato nel presente, nel bel mezzo della battaglia.
"Shaka, your wish will be fullfilled now. Using Athena Exclamation." dichiara mentalmente Saga, a cui è rimasto solo il senso della vista.
I tre ex Gold Saints sono in piedi, l'uno accanto all'altro, ben determinati.
"You finally made your decision, but, you're too late. One last strike, and all your five senses will be gone. One wave of my breads, and it's all over. If you've really made up your mind, then show me!"
"I understand!" pensa Camus, iniziando a espandere il suo cosmo.
"Rest in peace, for you'll be joining the heavens..." augura Shura.
"Shaka, your death will not be in vain!" pensa Saga.
"Athena Exclamation!"
I tre finalmente lanciano il colpo probito. Un'immensa esplosione si dirige verso Shaka, che apre gli occhi per il suo ultimo contrattacco, ben consapevole che sarà inutile ogni resistenza.
"Fifth sense, begone! Petals of the twin salas have fallen..."
Shaka scompare sorridendo nella luce.

Prima di morire, si conclude il flash back con lo spirito del Buddha:
"Ah Shaka, have you forgotten?"
"Death isn't the end, death is only a transition into something."

"Shaka!" esclama Athena disperata.
Si intravede nell'oscurità anche la faccia preoccupata di Kanon.
"What?" sussurra Milo.
Faccia sconvolta di Aioria.
"Shaka." Shiryu.
"Thi... this..." Hyoga.
"Not possible..." Shun.
"Shaka... is dead?" Seiya.
"Shaka of Virgo... is dead..." Mur.
Il santuario è scosso da una tempesta di lampi e fulmini e da un'esplosione violacea, che arriva fino alla statua di Athena.