9) Megami! So no inochi o kakete
     Goddess! Offer your Life
     Athena! Offri la tua vita

Riassunto classico del narratore:
"World of Hades, the World of Death ruled by Hades. They have descended onto this dark and miserable world. The fights of the young men grow in intensity and soon these young men will even be manipulated by Fate."
"Athena." dice Hades.
"Hades." dice Athena.
"The 2 gods finally met." dice il narratore.

[Goddess! Offer your Life]

Continua la battaglia tra Seiya e Valentine. Seiya si è appena rialzato:
"You haven't defeated me yet. Even if I am near death, as long as my fire of life is still burning, I won't go down. Pegasus Meteor Punch!"
Ma Valentine si difende facilmente.
"You don't know how to read the situation or are you just plain rash? Okay then. I'll beat you completely and blow out that last bit of your fire of life. Take this, Pegasus! Greed of Life!"
Seiya viene sbattuto a terra e l'Armatura di Athena gli scivola di mano.
"I see. So that's Athena's Saint Cloth. If I can get my hands on that, our victory will be perfect and Lady Pandora will be happy."
Valentino sta per afferrare l'armatura, ma con uno scatto Seiya la riprende in mano. Valentine, allora, inizia a prenderlo a calci, ma senza risultati: anche se svenuto, Seiya non molla la presa.
"What! After being bit by Greed of Life, he's still... No, he's lost his consciousness. Even so, he hasn't given up yet. Let go! Let go! This cloth is of no use to you anymore! Let go! Let go! Let go... Let go, do you hear me! This boy is still... He just doesn't get it, does he! Even the strongest Gold Saints had landed in such a state! No matter how much you struggle, Lord Hades has already come to this world, there's no more future for you Saint Seiya. I'm going to take Athena's saint cloth even if l have to do it by force."
Valentine prova ad afferrare l'armatura, ma si ustiona la mano.
"What...what's this...? He was freezing to death. How can Pegasus's ice cold body burning hot now?"

Mentre è in stato di coma, Seiya ode la voce di Athena parlargli tramite l'armatura che ha in mano:
"Seiya. Seiya. Seiya..."
"This Cosmo... Athena. Is that you, Athena? I must give Athena this Athena's Cloth. In order to defeat Hades, I must get this to her as soon as possible." risponde Seiya, espandendo il cosmo.
"I don't believe it. Such a strong Cosmo actually comes out from Pegasus's dying body. Why? I can't hesitate any more. I must give him the final blow. Greed of Life!"
Ma Seiya si rialza appena in tempo, sfuggendo al colpo di grazia.
"You fool! You're like one of the dead. Your kick is not going to put a scratch on me. How many times do I have to say that...?"
Improvvisamente, l'elmo di Valentine si spezza.
"What! Pegasus..."
"I won't stop. I can't linger at this place. Until...until I hand this Cloth to Athena myself..."

Intanto, alla fuori dalla Giudecca, Pandora avverte il cosmo di Athena:
"This Cosmo is... This must be it. In order to... No, she came to the Death World to defeat Lord Hades?"
Nella sala del trono, sta per cominciare la battaglia tra Athena ed Hades.
"Athena. You're finally here, Athena. You're finally here to hand over your life to me, Hades." commenta Hades, ancora seduto sul trono.
"Athena, it's too dangerous for you to show yourself now. I, Shaka, will deal with Hades. Please find somewhere to protect yourself first." suggerisce Shaka.
"No. That Hades... Isn't that Shun?" ribatte Athena.
"No, he's not Shun any more. That's just Shun's body. His mind and soul is completely under Hades's control. The real Shun is as good as dead. Or maybe he's waiting for us to defeat Hades here." risponde Shaka stringendo i pugni.
"But even if we attack him now, it won't be easy to defeat the Hades in Shun's body. We'll just be hurting Shun's body, that's all." cerca di tranquillizzarlo Athena.
"You are not to make a move. Do you hear me, Shaka?" ordina Athena, incamminandosi verso Hades.
"A...Athena... Watch out! If you get any closer, you'll be defeated by him!"
"Oh... don't tell me..." commenta Pandora, rimasta all'esterno della Giudecca.

Athena si ferma a pochi metri da Hades. La cosiddetta dea guerriera, piuttosto che combattere, preferisce inginocchiarsi:
"Hades, I am here to ask a favour to you."
"Please use your powers to stop the Greatest Eclipse. Please don't turn this world into a world of darkness."
"A...Athena..." sussurra Shaka traumatizzato.
"I never thought that you, who has fought me since the mythological times, would ask me a favour. But it's too late. The Greatest Eclipse is taking place now. Soon the sun will be covered by the moon and the Earth will be draped in eternal darkness in just a few minutes. No one can stop that now. Even you with your powers can't stop it, Athena." spiega Hades, alzandosi in piedi.
"I know that. But I'm already begging you. Even if I have to use myself in exchange for this favour... Please..." insiste Athena, versando qualche lacrima. Sembra quasi che voglia prostituirsi.
"Use yourself? That means you'll hand me your life." Hades fraintende, in realtà Athena aveva in mente altro.
"I am willing to use my life to save Earth." Athena capisce che prostituirsi è inutile.
"Okay, l'll accept your life, Athena."

Con la forza del pensiero, Hades estrae il tridente di Pandora che era conficcato nel pavimento e lo lancia in mano a Shaka.
"You're Shaka of Virgo, right? Use that spear and stab Athena." gli ordina.
"Didn't you hear what I say? I want you to use that spear and pierce through her."
Ma Shaka non si muove.
"What's the matter? Athena has said she's willing to die in order to save Earth... So you should happily use that spear and kill her. Are you going to deny your mistress's wish? Is that the Saints' belief about life?"
"I...I understand... I'll happily use this spear... if it is you I'm stabbing, Hades!"
Shaka disobbedisce e lancia il tridente contro Hades, ma Athena, che è sulla traiettoria, lo afferra prima che vada a segno.
"No, Shaka."
"I've already told you not to get involved."
"I've heard that Shaka is well-respected among the Saints, but you've disregarded the rules by pointing a spear at a God. l'll kill you first."
Hades prende in mano il tridente e lo punta contro Shaka, ma Athena si mette in mezzo.
"Hades, I should be the one you're going for."
"Get out of the way, Athena. If not, l'll use this spear to pierce through your body and then kill Shaka."
"I'm not moving."
"That's all right. Your lives are going to be mine soon, anyway. I'll stab through the both of you with my own bare hands."
Hades si appresta a colpire col tridente.

Continua la battaglia tra Seiya e Valentine. Seiya viene scagliato lontano.
"You started whatever's left of that Cosmo burning in order to take revenge on me, Valentine. I got to compliment you on that. But now even that little bit of Cosmo is gone. It's all over."
"No...it's not over yet."
"Is that so? You're very determined. Your loyalty to Athena moves me even though you're my enemy. But I've given everything I have to Lord Hades. So, l'm going to let you have a taste of my most powerful move. Greed of Life!"
Valentine scaglia più raffiche del suo colpo, ma Seiya in parte schiva, in parte blocca. Quando si abbassa il polverone, Seiya è ancora in piedi.
"Damned! You just won't die, would you!"
"Athena." evoca Seiya.
"I'm going to kill you with this blow, Pegasus! Take that again!"
"Athena, give me strength."
"Greed of Life."
"Pegasus Meteor Punch!"
I due si corrono incontro e scagliano il loro attacco contemporaneamente, ma è Valentine ad avere la peggio. Viene colpito in pieno dal Fulmine di Pegasus e la sua surplice finisce in frantumi.
"How can this be...? He was at River Cocytus. Why... Why did he have such a powerful Cosmo?" si chiede prima di morire.
"I won... Miss...S...Saori." sussurra Seiya, cadendo a terra.

Hades ha lanciato il tridente, ma, poco prima di essere trafitta, Athena lo blocca con la mano, ferendosi.
"A...Athena..." esclama Shaka.
"What's the matter, Athena? I thought you are going to give me your life. Or do you treasure your life more than anything?"
"We have to stop the Greatest Eclipse first. So, hurry. Please stop the Greatest Eclipse, Hades. I won't let anyone die before that happens. Shaka, Shun and everyone... I have the duty to protect all life in the world. That's why l'm born into this time."
Athena espande il cosmo, che, tramite il sangue versato da Athena, si propaga lungo il tridente.
"What...what's going on...? Athena's blood scorching hot. It feels like fire."
Hades è sconvolto e sofferente, continua a strillare. I suoi capelli, da neri tornano rossicci.
"What! Athena's blood actually causes pain to Hades when he touched it? Hades's hair is changing color... Athena..." esclama Shaka.
"I...I can feel it... I can feel that my blood has been I can feel that Shun's Cosmo is awakening in his body. Go, Shun! Come back to us, Shun! I'm going to chase Hades's soul out of your body!"
"Athena..." strilla Hades.
"Okay, Hades. Get out of Shun's body right now!"
"This... this hurts so much. I can't stay in this body anymore."
La voce di Hades inizia a sdoppiarsi: si sente la voce di Shun sovrapposta a una più virile.
"Awake, Shun. Shun of Andromeda."

I capelli di Shun ritornano verdi e, alle sue spalle, compare uno spirito nero: è il vero spirito di Hades. Shun cade a  terra privo di sensi.
"This... this... is Hades's soul?" esclama Shaka.
"This... this can't be happening. Shun's body has rejected my soul! Isn't Shun's body destined to be mine in this age? But why...?" si lamenta Hades furibondo.
"No. That's just wishful selecting on your part. Shun is born to this world as the Saint of Andromeda. He's not born to be your body. Just now, he touched my boiling blood and hence Shun's soul was awakened. You can no longer take over his body."
Shun emette qualche gemito ed Athena è contenta che è ancora vivo.
"Shun." gli sorride.
"My body..." si lamenta Hades.
"Give it up, Hades. You got your resurrection time wrong."
"There's nobody in this world that you can use to come back to life in. You can't come back to life at all in this era. Okay. You should know now that it's fruitless to keep on fighting. Stop the Greatest Eclipse now and go back to your sleep, Hades."
"Just a little more and this world will be wrapped in darkness. The world is in my hands now. I can't just retreat like that. In that case, I'm going to ruin your body, Athena, and make you the same as me. Athena..."
Lo spirito di Hades si espande e si avvicina minacciosamente ad Athena.
"Watch out, Athena!" esclama Shaka.
"Hades!" Athena gli scaglia contro il tridente, colpendolo in pieno. Hades sembra in difficoltà.
"Is this finally the end of Hades? Now, the Greatest Eclipse will stop and peace will return to Earth..." spera Shaka.
Lo spirito di Hades sembra collassare, ma improvvisamente afferra Athena, sparendo insieme a lei.
"Athena... Athena!" urla Shaka.

Fuori dalla Giudecca, si vede una luce rossa scaturire dall'interno.
"This light...  What have the Gods done...? The Cosmos are disappearing? What's happening to Lord Hades and Athena?" si chiede Pandora.
Intanto, Hyoga e Shiryu stanno correndo quando vengono attaccati da alcuni spectre.
"Diamond Dust!"
Hyoga ne uccide due.
"Rozan Raising Dragon Wave!"
Shiryu ne uccide tre.
"Do... do you feel it, Shiryu?" chiede Hyoga.
"Yes. That must be it. This Cosmo is Athena's and it's so small that it's going to disappear any time."
"Did something happen to Miss Saori?"
"Miss Saori."
I due riprendono la corsa.

Il cielo dell'Inferno assume delle tonalità che vanno dal rosso al verde marcio.
"Athena's Cosmo..." commenta Kanon.
La sua fuga non è durata niente. Rhadamantis e Minos sono vicino a lui.
"No... not only Athena's. Even Lord Hades's Cosmos is..." commenta Minos preoccupato.
"... Going to disappear..." completa Rhadamantis.
"Athena..." sussurra Dohko, che si trova da qualche parte.
"I...I have to go. I...I must go to Athena...Miss Saori. This...This is... Athena's... Miss Saori's Cosmo... Miss Saori..." Seiya sta strisciando lungo il Cocito.
"Sei... Seiya." si sente la voce di Athena che chiede aiuto.
"Miss Saori's Cosmo... is disappearing... Don't... don't tell me... it's Hades...? How can this have happened...? We're too late...? Athena's Cloth that Shion and Saga entrusted me with and all our friend who fought Hades, are... are those in vain? There's... there's nothing I can do, be it saving Miss Saori, protecting the world or seeing my sister again... Everything... Miss... Miss Saori. Miss Saori... Miss Saori... Saori. Saori." piange Seiya. Le lacrime volano via col vento gelido, poi si rassegna e lascia cadere la statuetta dell'armatura.