10) Zetsubo! Nageki no kabe
     Desperation! The Wailing Wall
     Disperazione al Muro del Pianto

Riassunto classico del narratore:
"The Underworld, the World of Death ruled by Hades. They have descended onto this dark and miserable world. The battles of the young men grow in intensity and soon these young men will even be manipulated by Fate."

Viene ripresa l'ultima frase della puntata precedente. Seiya sta strisciando sul Cocito ghiacciato e si sta disperando perchè il cosmo di Athena è sparito:
"Athena's... Miss Saori's little Cosmo is disappearing. There...there's nothing I can do, be it saving Miss Saori,
protecting the world or seeing my sister again..."
Mentre è in stato semicomatoso, compaiono le immagini della sorella e di Marin.
"Seiya." lo chiama Seika sorridendo, poi scompare.
"Seiya, what are you doing?" lo rimprovera Marin.
"Miss...Miss Marin."
"Have you forgotten, Seiya? Even though the chances are slim, as long as there is hope, you must not give That is what a Saint of Hope should be like." lo esorta Marin.
"Saint...of Hope?"
"That's right. You do not give up. You never give up hope. Understand, Seiya?"
Anche Marin scompare e Seiya si riprende dalla depressione. Ritrova l'armatura di Athena che aveva lasciato cadere e la riprende.
"Athena's Saint Cloth... There's still...there's still hope. We are the ones who are going to catch hold of it. We, Athena's Saints!"

[Desperation! The Wailing Wall]

"Hades's and Athena's Cosmos have disappeared? What happened at the Holy Don't tell me... Don't tell me the Cosmos have gone to that place? If it's true, then nothing can be done because humans cannot get across that wall. In that case, my wish is..." riflette Pandora preoccupata.
Non appena sente avvicinarsi qualcuno alla Giudecca, si nasconde dietro a una colonna. Si tratta di Seiya, che entra nel tempio senza neanche voltarsi, saltellando come una rana.
"That's Pegasus? Don't tell me he made it out of that cold hellish River Cocytus? What is that Saint...?" si chiede Pandora stupita.
"Miss Saori. Miss Saori... Athena..." esclama Seiya, spalancando la porta.
La sala del trono è tutta distrutta. Non c'è più traccia nè di Athena, nè di Hades, nè di Shaka. Dopo essersi guardato intorno, Seiya trova Shun svenuto e corre da lui.
"How did you end up in such a miserable state? What happened? Is that you... Shun? You're Shun? Shun! Pull yourself together!"
"Sei...Seiya..." Shun si risveglia.
"Shun, you've come back. That's great... Oh yes, Shun. Where's Athena? What happened to Athena?"
"I don't know but I felt all the Cosmos have vanished into somewhere deep in here."
"Somewhere deep?"
I due guardano oltre le tende dietro al trono. Si vede solo oscurità.

Intanto, in Grecia, i Bronzi Minori stanno osservando il sole. Il cielo è ancora azzurro, ma l'eclissi è appena iniziata.
"The Eclipse..." commenta Jabu.
"It's been a long time since Seiya and the others have gone to Hades." si preoccupa Ichi.
"That's right... I hope they are all safe and sound." aggiunge Nachi.
"Don't worry. Maybe they have already destroyed Hades." li rassicura Jabu.
"Yes...that's right. After all the Gold Saints have gone to help them." concorda Ichi.
"Seiya, you mustn't lose for the sake of Miss Saori." riflette Jabu tra sè e sè.
L'eclissi è ben visibile anche in Giappone. Il fuso orario è di 9 ore ed è pieno giorno in entrambi i posti: in Grecia potrebbero essere le 9-10 di mattino, in Giappone le 18-19. Se è così, sono passate solo un paio d'ore dalla battaglia al Santuario.
"Hey, the sun is disappearing. What a magnificent sight. Miho, what's going on here?" esclamano i bambini dell'orfanotrofio.
"That's a eclipse. The moon has blocked the sun's rays. So even though it's daytime, it will become dark, just like night." spiega Miho rassicurandoli.
"Is that so?"
"But isn't it strange? There's no news report about any eclipse at all. I have a bad feeling about this." riflette Miho.

Seiya e Shun corrono oltre la sala del trono, dove c'è una lunghissima scalinata.
"I never thought that there is such a long flight of stairs in the deepest part of this building." commenta Shun, evidentemente stanco di correre.
"Are Athena and Hades in there?" chiede Seiya, arrivato in cima.
"Seiya, look in front."
I due si trovano davanti all'imponente Muro del Pianto.
"There's no way to go now. Where have Athena and Hades disappeared to?" chiede Seiya seccato.
"What's on earth is going on here?"
"Anyway, this wall sure is huge. This wall is..."
"This wall is the final place in Hell, the Wailing Wall." spiega Shaka chinandosi a terra affaticato. Le sue mani stanno sanguinando.
"Sha...Shaka!" esclama Seiya correndogli incontro.
"What happened?" chiede Shun.
"Athena and Hades have disappeared on the other side of the wall." spiega Shaka, ferito anche a una tempia.
"Okay, let's go there now." esorta Seiya ingenuamente. Shun annuisce.
"It's no use. I've already told you that this is the Wailing Wall. Only gods and spirits can go through the wall." spiega Shaka.
"It can't be... We can just tear down this wall." propone Seiya con leggerezza.
"I thought of that too and have tried many times."

Shaka spiega che nemmeno il suo Tenma Kofuku è riuscito a scalfire il muro, anzi gli è stato ribattuto contro.
"But... I didn't even make a scratch on it, no matter what attacks I used. In the end, I ended up like this. It bestows only despair on those other than gods and spirits. This is why it's called the Wailing Wall."
"What! Even with Shaka's powers..." esclama Shun.
"This can't be happening. Athena is just on the other side of the wall... Miss Saori is over there!"
Seiya sbatte istericamente l'armatura di Athena contro il muro, ma senza risultato.
"I was so close to handing this Athena's Saint Cloth to Miss Saori." si lamenta.
"Seiya, stop it." Shun gli prende la mano.
"Shun... But we can't just stand here and be helpless. We must think of a way. If we give Miss Saori Athena's Saint Cloth, we won't be able to kill Hades. No. Under this kind of circumstances, Athena might be killed instead. Shaka, what's on the other side of the wall? Since this is the final place in Hell, then behind this wall is..."
"I don't know. Even I, Shaka, don't know what kind of world lies behind this wall." risponde Shaka rassegnato, ma ad un tratto ha un'intuizione "Don't tell me... Don't tell me behind the Wailing Wall is...? Elysion?"
"Elysion?" ripetono Seiya e Shun.
"I've heard from the Spectre I ran into at Acheron that Elysion is the wonderland of the Underworld, which means it's a resting place." racconta Shun, riferendosi al discorso di Caronte.
"That's right... If my guess is right, Hades's body should be in Elysion. That'll explain why Athena went there." conferma Shaka.

"You are treating us like outsiders..." li interrompe Seiya con una lamentela fuori luogo.
"You are treating us like outsiders, Miss Saori. Why didn't you wait for us? Aren't we Athena's Saints? But why did you...?" si lamenta Seiya come suo solito, quando non è al centro dell'attenzione.
Con perfetto tempismo, l'armatura di Athena si illumina e Athena riesce a parlare telepaticamente a Seiya:
"This is? Athena's Cosmo."
"Miss... Miss Saori..."
"I'm sorry for taking things into my own hands but I have no choice."
"I did all these to stop Hades's Greatest Eclipse. Please understand, Seiya."
"Miss Saori... Miss Saori..."
L'immagine di Athena scompare, lasciando una scia ben visibile anche all'esterno della Giudecca.
"What's going on? This Cosmo..." esclama Pandora.

Intanto, nel Cocito, 4 Spectre sconosciuti trovano il cadavere di Valentino e cercano di indagare.
"Valentine is beaten by this kind of person?"
"The Gold Saints are still here. Phoenix is here to."
Infatti sono tutti imprigionati nel ghiaccio, apparentemente morti.
"So Pegasus did this?"
"Yes. Check out those who weren't buried here."
"I'm afraid that's what happened."
"But how did they...?"
"Other than us Spectres, no one can escape this freezing hell with their own strengths."
"Only someone with powers as strong as Lord Hades can accomplish that."
Ad un tratto, il cosmo di Athena si diffonde nel Cocito. Gli Spectre sono spaventati.
"What...what's with this little Cosmo?"
"It's from the Hades' Court..."
"No, this little Cosmo comes from a place much further away. It's... Don't tell me..."
"It's Athena's Cosmo?"
Il Cosmo fluisce nei Cavalieri d'Oro, che ri risvegliano e iniziano a liberarsi dal ghiaccio.
"Look, they've accepted Athena's Cosmo."
"The Gold Saints are making their move."
"This... this is impossible. The...Gold Saints..."

Milo, Aioria e Mu si rialzano in piedi, espandendo il cosmo.
"The Gold Saints... have come back to life..." esclamano gli Spectre spaventati.
"Don't...don't be scared. We have an advantage here at River Cocytus. Those half-dead Saints of Athena..." cerca di dare coraggio uno Spectre, scagliandosi su di loro.
"Red Poisoned Needle."
Con un solo gesto del dito, Milo lo perfora in una decina di punti, uccidendolo.
"Why you..." anche il secondo Spectre si scaglia contro i Gold Saints.
"Stardust Revolution."
Anche il secondo Spectre muore sul colpo.
"Just 1 strike..." gli ultimi due Spectre rimasti cercano di svignarsela, ma...
"Where are you going? I'm your opponent." si para davanti Aioria.
"Don't get carried away." esclamano scagliandosi su di lui.
"Lightning Bolt!"
Anche il terzo e il quarto Spectre muoiono. Battaglia conclusa.
"Aiolia. Looks like Athena saved us." commenta Mur.
"I'm worried about Seiya and the rest. Let's go to Hades' Hall." ordina Aioria.
"Wait, Aiolia. Let's get Phoenix out first. This is..." propone Milo, ma si accorge subito che Phoenix è già sparito, lasciando solo un buco nel ghiaccio.
"That's Phoenix for you." gli risponde Mur.

Intanto, al Muro del Pianto...
"Athena... is on the other side of this wall... Miss Saori is over there. Shun, I leave Athena's Saint Cloth with you." dichiara Seiya.
"Seiya? What are you going to do?"
"Isn't it obvious? I'm going to increase the burning of my Cosmo to the maximum. I'm going to use my body to knock this Wailing Wall."
"No way. That's too rash, Seiya. Shaka tried his best but couldn't even make a mark on the wall. Do you want us to watch you die?"
"Shun, have you forgotten? When we went through the Gates of Hell, we vowed never to give up hope."
"Even if this wall is a wall that brings despair to those who are not gods or spirits, I'm not going to give up even at the very last moment. I'm going to knock down this Wailing Wall and stop the Greatest Eclipse... Stop Hades. Just wait and see, Shun."
Seiya si scaglia contro il muro, ma Shaka si mette in mezzo, bloccandolo.
"Seiya, Shun is right. Please stop."
"Even if you use up your Cosmo, burn it to the maximum, use your body to knock it, the Wailing Wall will not move an inch. You'll just die in vain."
"How would you know if you haven't tried it? Get out of my way, Shaka."
Seiya insiste, quindi Shaka è costretto ad atterrarlo.
"Sha...Shaka..." sussurra Seiya prima di svenire.
"Seiya!" esclama Shun, soccorrendolo.

"It's no use. I remember it clearly now. I've once heard that to destroy this Wailing Wall, you must have the sun's rays." spiega Shaka.
"The sun's...rays?"
"That's right. In this place where darkness covers everything, the rays of hope is where all life comes from. If we have the sun's rays..."
"But in this Underworld..."
"That's right. This is the deepest part of Hell. There's no way we can have the sun's rays here. It's utterly totally impossible. No mater how you use your life against it, human's strength alone won't do a thing to this wall."
"But Athena went after Hades to Elysion without bringing anything for protection. And a few minutes later,
the Greatest Eclipse is going to cover the world with darkness. Maybe like what Seiya has said, we have to do our very best even though we know it'll be in vain."
"Shaka, don't tell me you wanted to die yourself so that Seiya..." esclama Shun preoccpupato.
"Athena..." invoca Shaka sedendosi in meditazione ed espandendo il cosmo.
"Awesome. I can feel an intense Cosmo coming from Shaka. Is this the Cosmo of the one whom people said is the closed to God? He's going to burn up his life so as to emit rays that resemble the sun's rays?" pensa Shun.
Il cosmo di Shaka assomiglia a un fiore di Loto che sta sbocciando.
"What the... this Cosmo... Shaka... what are you doing...?" chiede Seiya, risvegliatosi.
"Shaka wants to die in your place... Seiya..."
"This can't be happening. Shaka! Shaka!"
Shaka inizia ad emanare dei raggi luminosi, ma questi tornano indietro, graffiandolo. Tuttavia, Shaka continua ad espandere il cosmo.
"It's not working." commenta Shun.
"Stop it, Shaka!" esclama Shun.
"Ohm! Break into pieces, my life." esclama Shaka, avvolto da un'aura gialla.

Ad un tratto, una mano si posa sulla spalla di Shaka:
"Stop it, Shaka!"
"Ah!" esclamano Seiya e Shun.
"You're... Roshi, Dohko of Libra." dice Shaka stupito, interrompendo la meditazione.
"R...Roshi? Dohko of Libra?" ripete Seiya.
Anche Dohko si era buttato nell'Inferno poco dopo i Bronze Saints, ma di lui non si era saputo più nulla.
"Shaka, I'm not going to let someone like you die in vain." dichiara Dohko.
"B...But R...Roshi..."
Nel frattempo, arrivano anche Milo, Aioria e Mur:
"Shaka, Roshi is right. It's too early for you to die by yourself."
"You too... Mu. Aioria. Milo. Even the 3 of you who have given me Cosmo to save me are still alive." esclama Seiya contento.
"It's all thanks to Athena." spiega Milo.
"Athena?" chiede Shun.
"Yes. Looks like we still have some unfinished business to take care of." risponde Aioria.
"Shaka, I'm going to return you the 108 rosary beads that you entrusted in my care."
"Look, the rosary beads are changing colours. Darned. We have to wait until all 108 beads have changed their colours." fa notare Mur.
Infatti, i grani del rosario sono quasi tutti diventati rossi, ma ne mancano ancora 26 (li ho contati).
"Mu... But without the sun's rays, we won't be able to get through this Wailing Wall to the other side to Athena." spiega Shaka.
"The sun's rays..." ripete Dokho osservando il muro.
"And just when the Greatest Eclipse which Hades wants to use to cover the world with darkness, has begun... we have no time to hesitate. In that case, we'll just have to do our very best." conclude Shaka.

"We can do this. We can break the Wailing Wall." dichiara Dohko sicuro di sè.
"The Wailing Wall? Can be broken?" chiedono Seiya e Shun.
"Yes. If we combine the powers of the Gold Saints it's possible that we can make the sun's rays." spiega Dohko.
"Combine our powers...? Make the sun's rays? Master, this is...?" chiedono Aioria, Milo e Mur.
"Have you forgotten? Where is the place where the star signs of the Gold Saints shines? That's right. The star signs of the Gold Saints are all above the Golden Way. The Golden Way is the orbit of the sun for a year. The 12 Gold Saint Cloths, which are located on the Sun's orbit have been bathed in the sun's rays since the mythical times. That is to say, the Gold Saint Cloths contains unlimited amount of the sun's rays." spiega dettagliatamente Dohko, mentre gli altri sembrano cadere dal pero.
"You have a point there... Then, Master..." commentano Aioria e Milo.
"That's right. If we can increase the powers of our Saint Cloths which contain the sun's rays to the maximum
and merge our lives with them as, we'll be able to knock the Wailing Wall to pieces."

Dokho lancia le armi della Bilancia agli altri Gold Saints. Dokho tiene lo scudo, Mur afferra la spada, Aioria il tridente, Shaka la lancia bracciale, Milo la barra gemellare.
"The first time... For the first time, the Gold Saints... hold the weapon of Libra in your hand." osservano Seiya e Shun.
"Destroy the Wailing Wall." esorta Mur, espandendo il cosmo insieme agli altri.
"ln order to stop Hades!" continua Shaka.
"Protect Athena!" aggiunge Aioria.
"Stop the Greatest Eclipse!" continua Milo.
"And also to protect the peace in the beautiful world!" conclude Dohko.
"We'll become the sun's rays!" esclamano tutti insieme.

L'episodio si conclude con Marin che sta conducendo per mano una ragazza: Seika, la sorella di Seiya!